Friday, June 11, 2010

All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth...

Baby Bear Ee Chao's got his two front teeth now!! In fact, he has four!! I've just gotta get some of his funny grins...his look is going to change after more babyish. (sigh!)

I think he has grown to resemble his brother quite a bit, unlike when he just came to this world...

They look funny when sleeping together...

Sweet moments....

fun moments...

(Sigh...! I know that I should enjoy these precious moments...)


RoseBelle said...

Isn't it funny how siblings grow up looking like each other but when they were babies, they looked different? My youngest daughter looked very different from my eldest daughter from birth to probably 3 years old. Now the two sisters look like twins. Your two sons are starting to like like each other two. Maybe in a year or two, they'll look like twins too.

WendyinKK said...

The pic of them lying on their tummies are so so similiar.

Ee Chao does look like Ee Sync, just like the time I saw him. Except that Ee Sync had more teeth that time.

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

I will not mind if they look like twins, but i'd prefer not...coz to get two of the same "product" is no fun to me...hahahaha...(We all know that we'll still love them to bits no matter how they look)

Yeah, I remembered that Ee Sync gobbled up a whole piece of teething biscuit in 1 or 2 mins while Lydia was slowly licking hers. :)

Little cottage said...

awww.... so so cute... :) They grow up so fast don't they?

Little cottage said...

awww..!! So So cute...! All of the photos! They just grow up so fast don't they? :)

Little cottage said...

& ee chao is so chubs chubs le... n so fair ... so cute :)

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

Yeah...sigh...very fast...
very soon you'll start worrying about their exams...then career...then,no,no,no, better think about it...

HomeKreation said...

Hi Meldylocks (or should I address you differently?),
Thanks for following mine. You have such cute two baby bears... they are adorable.

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

Hi, thanks for following mine too... I find your blog full of malay recipes which I adore... Although i'm not really able to cook now but I certainly hope to one day. (My MIL's doing all the cooking now and they are the very traditional chinese with super traditional tastebuds)

mr. pineapple man said...

so cute!!!!!

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

Mr.pineapple man:

温馨小屋 said...


Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

谢谢,我特地请了一年无薪假来养的。。。哈哈哈,开玩笑的,其实现在的孩子都太幸福了,从大家的部落各看得到孩子们吃好的,穿好的,用好的。。。每个都是白白胖胖,活泼聪明伶俐。 你的孩子们看起来很乖巧,很让我羡慕哩!